Daughter of Italian parents, I was born in Germany in Neuemburg on 21 January, at 1972. I trained in Rome,
The Fashion Academy, then the Art Institute. I began my apprenticeship as a textile designer in Rome's Faro Design.
At the same time I attended Accademia delle Belle Arti of Rome graduating in Scenography.
I embraced art as a condition of living.
As soon as I got married, I moved to Paris, a city that embraced and welcomed me, with which I have established friendships and working relationships.
The relationship with Nicol, the founder of the Garances Atelier accompanies me to the meeting with publishers and producers, leaving me a great legacy: Le Savoir-Faire.
Decisive for my artistic growth was the meeting with Mr. Chalaye, manager and artistic director of the Zuber factory.
Ceramics matures after my second child, almost a third.
He accompanies me in their growth.
Barbara Iervolino
All the works are unpublished, original and above all designed and created rigorously by hand.
© Intuito Creativo - all rights reserved 2023.
Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without the artist's consent Barbara Iervolino.