Barbara Iervolino

Artist - Set Designer - Ceramist - Stylist - Textile Designer

Tribal Games

Original project, edited on the occasion of the event "Ceramics and More"
14-15 October 2023    
 Barbara Iervolino © Intuito Creativo - All rights reserved



Barbara Iervolino 

Daughter of Italian parents, I was born in Germany in Neuemburg on 21 January, at 1972. I trained in Rome,
The Fashion Academy, then the Art Institute. I began my apprenticeship as a textile designer in Rome's Faro Design. 

At the same time I attended Accademia delle Belle Arti of Rome  graduating in Scenography.

I embraced art as a condition of living.

As soon as I got married, I moved to Paris, a city that embraced and welcomed me, with which I have established friendships and working relationships.
The relationship with Nicol, the founder of the Garances Atelier accompanies me to the meeting with publishers and producers, leaving me a great legacy: Le Savoir-Faire.

Decisive for my artistic growth was the meeting with Mr. Chalaye, manager and artistic director of the Zuber factory.

Ceramics matures after my second child, almost a third.

He accompanies me in their growth.

Barbara Iervolino


On the occasion of my son's first communion I edited  "Bonjour Maman"

Collection of ceramic wedding favors

Good morning mom

Dedicated to all mothers

 Intuito Creativo is an art studio that carries out artistic experimentation starting from the observation of reality.

All the works are unpublished, original and above all designed and created rigorously by hand.    

Color design
Shape design 
Space design
Barbara Iervolino